Racism. True Stories

Students will be taken on a creative and interactive journey engaging with the true stories and life experiences from people who have encountered these themselves.

The discussion around racism has gained widespread attention following the recent Black Lives Matter movement. Yet, for some teenagers racism may not be an issue they have experienced growing up making it harder to relate to:

“It’s not actually that bad around here.”
I’m not doing anything wrong”
“It doesn’t really affect me

These are common thoughts in relation to racism amongst teenagers. Perhaps understandably, because it can be difficult to relate and make changes to behaviour when you haven’t heard true stories from people from different backgrounds.

This is why our storyteller shares true stories about themselves and those from others in their year group. Students can develop their understanding and learn from those experiencing racism in everyday situations. 

Together we will find out what they can change and what their role is in society.

The format

  • Interactive part with our storyteller (45 mins, max 30 students at a time)
  • Class assignments (class with their own teacher, 45 mins)
  • Suitable for all levels and ages
  • Multiple classes possible on one day

Timing (example for 3 classes)

Class 1:
10am storyteller 
10.45am break 
11am assignment with their own teacher 

Class 2:
11am storyteller 
11.45am break 
12pm assignment with their own teacher 

Class 3:
12pm storyteller 
12.45pm break 
13pm assignment with their own teacher 

Good to know 

  • Fitting for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 
  • Several classes in a day possible
  • Fits well within 'CKV', 'Maatschappijleer' and 'Burgerschap' programmes
  • Suitable for all ages at all levels

CKV , Interactief , Maatschappij , Online , Programma , Voorstelling , VO , Racisme , Engels , Burgerschap

Golden Cage provides educational (art)programmes for students at all ages and levels. We've performed over 500 times since the start of 2017. In no time we have risen to the 8th place (of the 1200) CJP-partners. We always make sure that our educational programmes are suitable at all ages at all levels, so there are courses available for everybody. We are of course partnered with CJP.

  • Young, professional coaches and actors
  • Always available
  • Suitable for all ages at all levels
  • Performance at school


" Golden Cage; do it! Jeroen Vogel coördinator 3/4 HAVO en VWO Montessori Lyceum, Rotterdam

Veelgestelde vragen

Please take a look at our brochure for more information about the costs.

Absolutely, we are partnered with CJP.

'Racism. True Stories' is suitable for all ages at all levels.

No problem: we'll divide the students in smaller groups, probably per class. Please take a look at the example above.

The only thing we need is a classroom in which we can clear the room and put tables and chairs along the outside.

Please contact a member of our team to discuss the available data.

Wat zijn jouw lesdoelen voor dit schooljaar?

Ook dit jaar zet Golden Cage zich in om aan de slag te gaan met de creativiteit van leerlingen en actuele thema's.